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The 30 fashion brands you’ve probably been pronouncing WRONG all this time

The 30 fashion brands you’ve probably been pronouncing WRONG all this time

over 6 years ago

31 Of The Hardest To Pronounce Fashion Brands 2732327

Fashion is international and so are fashion brands.

If you have an interview coming up with a brand having a tricky name, you better be able to pronounce it right if you want to secure the position.

Here are the 30 fashion brands you won't pronounce wrong anymore. 


Badgley Mischka: badge-lee meesh-kah

Balenciaga: bah-len-see-ah-gah

Balmain: bahl-mahhhhn

Bottega Veneta: bow-tay-guh vah-netta

Christian Lacroix: christian luh-kwa

Christian Louboutin: christian loo-boo-tan

Comme des Garcons: Come dey gah-sohn

Dolce & Gabbana: dol-chey and gab-ana

Dries Van Noten: drees van know-ten

Giambattista Valli: gee-am-bah-tease-ta vah-lee

Gianfranco Ferre: gee-ahn-franco feh-ray

Givenchy: zjee-von-shee

Hermès: er-mez

Hussein Chalayan: hoo-sane sha-lion

Issey Miyake: iss-ee mee-yah-key

Jean Paul Gaultier: zhon paul go-tee-ay

Lanvin: lahn-vahn

Loewe: loh-wev-eh

Louis Vuitton: loo-wee vwee-tahn

Maison Martin Margiela: may-sohn martin mar-jhell-ah

Mary Katrantzou: mary cat-trant-zoo

Miu Miu: mew-mew

Moschino: mos-key-no

Proenza Schouler: pro-en-zuh skool-er

Rochas: row-shahs

Salvatore Ferragamo: sal-vah-tor-re fer-ra-gah-moh

Sonia Rykiel: sewn-yah ree-key-el

Versace: vur-sah-chee

Yves Saint Laurent: eve san lau-ron

Yohji Yamamoto: yoh-jee yam-ah-mo-to