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Work Experience - Our top 5 reasons why it is essential.

Work Experience - Our top 5 reasons why it is essential.

over 6 years ago

Gestionar Tu Cv

You are looking for a job and recruiters keep asking about your work experience? - We all go through that at some point.

Instead of moaning about it, you probably should ask yourself why. Why are people so into work experience?  And, why elders were right saying that you should do it - Yep, mama knows.

Here are our top five reasons why work experience is essential.


1. It is time not to be a child anymore.

Taking on a work placement isn't only about making some money, it's also about leaving your comfort zone and discovering the real world - the working world more especially.

Your work placement, whether you got it through your parents' contacts, your school or by yourself, will be an add-on to your CV that can make the difference between scoring an interview and… not.

Employers are always looking for people who can demonstrate they’ve spent time in the workplace. That's also why it's recommended to spend some time abroad.

Don't miss the chance to pick up some useful skills and knowledge you will be able to use in your next career.

More important, a working experience shows you are resourceful and improve your determination.


2. We all need a social network.

Showing a real interest in what you are doing will always be a plus for your future career. With not a lot of experience, employers will probably check your references.

Having someone covering your back and able to express satisfaction regarding a job you did for him/her will help you.

You might be perfect for the role you are applying for, recruiters and employers don't know you and need proof of your commitment and your capabilities.

Your motivation will benefit you at some point; everybody loves genuinely motivated people.


3. Who knows, you may find yourself.

We understand that a first work experience might be scary, but there is no better situation to discover who you truly are! You will never know what kind of environment is right for you if you don't try, at least, one.

Complicated situations bring out the best of you, some of your best skills can show up, and you could surprise yourself with some kind of organised-multi-tasking skills or problem-solving super-power.

If like most people, you still feel clueless about what is your dream job, work experience is an excellent way to sort your options and who knows, you may find the right one for you.


4. Upgrade yourself

In the absence of a fantastic career, get a rewarding experience.

You can be rich of a lot of things, not only money. People you meet and experiences you make do it too.

All the skills you learn, and the resilience you build won't be useless during your career. Work experience will improve your confidence and will make you feel more comfortable in many situations.


5. Let's build a good looking CV

Okay, here we are. We do admit it, work experience is good to add to your CV.

A tiny collection of them will always look much better than a blank page.

Your CV is the place to show off your collection of achievements.

"A full and healthy CV will help you when it comes to applying for positions after leaving education. Qualifications are great, but employers are always keen to see proven working world experience. Experience (or lack of it) can be a deciding factor when you are interviewed."


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