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How Can You Make Your Fashion More Sustainable?

How Can You Make Your Fashion More Sustainable?

almost 4 years ago

Sustainable Fash

How Can You Make Your Fashion More Sustainable? 

Sustainable clothing refers to fabrics derived from eco-friendly resources, such as sustainably grown fibre crops or recycled materials. It also refers to how these fabrics are made.

We know that quality reduces waste. Sustainable brands focus on quality, using materials and finishes that are made to last as well as being kind to the environment. ... In choosing sustainable brands that provide quality, you can reduce your waste as well as the amount of clothing that you buy (also saving you money).

Despite the significant progress being made by brands and retailers to minimise their impact. Many brands are using sustainable cotton initiatives to reduce water, energy and chemical use, new dyeing technology to reduce water consumption by up to 50 percent, as well as numerous energy and chemical saving schemes throughout the supply chain. In the UK, the result of this work is percolating through to retailers, with a reduction in the carbon and water footprints per ton of clothing of 8 percent and 7 percent respectively since 2012. This is great news.

Our beloved Fashion industry is working to reduce the environmental footprint of its products. But the problem has now shifted to the consumption side: the insatiable appetite for fashion means people are buying more and more clothes. Since 2012, there has been a 10% increase in the amount of clothing purchased in the UK alone. Not only are consumers buying more; the rate at which their clothing gets discarded is becoming increasingly quicker as they chase the latest fashion trends It is estimated there is over £30 billion of clothing sitting in wardrobes across the UK that has not been worn for over 12 months.

How can we start to help?

1. Quality reduces waste

Sustainable brands focus on quality, using materials and finishes that are made to last as well as being kind to the environment. The clothing produced by fast fashion brands is not made to last – the aim is to get you to buy more, so why would the focus be on making quality long lasting clothing? In choosing sustainable brands that provide quality, you can reduce your waste as well as the amount of clothing that you buy (also saving you money).

2. Personal Style

Fast fashion is all about trends, but we have been told what to wear for so long many of us have forgotten what our own unique style looks like. Many sustainable brands focus on creating timeless pieces of high quality. Curate your own personal style, say goodbye to money wasting fashion trends and wear clothes that reflect you.

3. Sustainable Fashion is better for the planet

The fast fashion industry leaves behind a huge environmental footprint. From the landfill impact, and power and water consumption, to the pesticides and insecticide used in growing cotton and the chemicals that are making their way into the water supply and affecting the health of those in the supply chain, it’s safe to say fast fashion is a real problem for the environment. In choosing sustainable fashion you can say no to supporting the negative environmental impact that the fashion industry is causing, and in-turn reduce your own environmental footprint.

4. Fast fashion – Low pay

Fast fashion has kept the cost of clothing down at the cost of low pay and conditions in developing countries. By switching to ethically made brands you are ensuring that the clothing you choose to spend your money on has not taken advantage of workers or used child labour.


Do you already follow sustainable and ethical fashion? Or are you trying to make the switch? Let us know your tips and advice...